Most of these are from graduate school. Some are just from being alive and coping and then there are some that are from the Somatic Psychotherapy Toolboox (book)
There are some repeats from week to week, to reinforce that they are valuable and perhaps you are overlooking a great one. The main take away is that there are many ways to feel better, don’t stop until you feel better. Suffering is optional, pain is not.
Try the first routine for about a week. I will post all 11 of them in a row- at least those that I have so far, starting August 23. Come back to see them all. Like with home repairs, the right tool makes a big difference.
Routine 1
Body-mind hack
Want to feel better fast? Try this routine first.
Would you consider doing this routine or tweaking it?
The part of your brain that governs movement and balance also helps with depression and anxiety:
Still in bed, Move your toes, wiggle your big toes for 30-60 seconds. Rest, repeat.
When you don’t feel energetic enough for walking around the block, get up and walk around the table or pace for 20 seconds. These help your brain unlock or unfreeze you when you are stuck or don’t have enough gas in the tank.
Put your hands behind your head. It starts you getting more feel good chemicals into your brain. Do for 5 minutes or more and testosterone production goes up (Harvard study) making you more likely to be active.
Do something that requires balance- go up on your toes and back down or sway side to side. Or spin around 3x very slowly -Balance exercises stimulate your brain.
Fake smile and fake laugh if you can’t do the real thing. By exercising those muscles, your body can kick into the real thing. Practice doing it a few minutes at a time.
While seated, conduct the symphony using your arms only. 60 seconds minimum
Your body does better when you regularly move it.
Want to relax your whole system? Humm and sing frequently or add dancing- your brain immediately starts acting differently. Drink something and swallow or make a smoothie so you use your sucking action, which calms the system. Same for gargling- poly vagal response.
Not enough energy for that, yet? Listen to a comedian on YouTube or pandora- it puts your mind in a different frame.
More active?
Back flat against the wall, while standing. Slowly lower yourself until your thigh bone is parallel to the floor. 5-15 seconds of holding and stand back up.
Stretch your neck muscles ever so slightly. Slow as a snail.
The idea is to move, not even exercise- but prime your brain to feel better.
Let me know what works for you and ask me for other exercises to add.