Hacks for the mind-body.
Put your hand on the painful part on/in your body. Breathe into area that experiences discomfort.
Space meditation - pay attention to the space between the fingers on your hand, the ceiling and floor, the photos on your wall, the space between your thoughts.
“Love” meditation - say the word over and over and attend to how your body experiences that.
Do something nice for someone- be of service.
Chi gong (and stretch while moving) exercises- on YouTube there are many videos about basic stretching and energizing techniques
Lift a small weight 3x or do Isometrics (act as if lifting but no weights) or sit up, planks, pushups
Eyes- cupping your eyes with your hands on eye socket. Close eyes
Imagine yourself getting a prestigious award- picture it vividly and feel the feelings that would accompany that
Eft YouTube https://youtu.be/mHtzflsbnDA?si=bbPnCK3skFd5GXYK
Brad Yates on being centered and grounded