- Unless you are a financial specialist, you want to get some help organizing your money, getting advice and a plan. It gets very complicated quickly, and while you are allowed to deviate, make sure it is done in a planful manner.
- Walking away from too much money. Some people just want to “be done” and they are willing to walk away from money just to get it over with. Will you kick yourself for doing this when it comes time to retire?
- Negotiating in poor faith. Make sure you keep it clean and your motivation/intention is good.
- Hiding money…at some point, you will have to prove your numbers. Do not hide money or accounts. Remember that if this is discovered later on, it could have serious implications.
- Not being able to retire. Remember, be creative in your settlements.
Your mediator will help you walk through some decisions, help you in getting good questions and refer you but ultimately, you make the decision.