Pay attention to yourself as you are reading this blog. Do you want to connect? What stops you?
Lack of disclosure erects a wall between the partners. This is a very common block. How can I get to know someone who has a wall up? It feels very lonely to be on the other side of a great big wall. Loneliness and social isolation are epidemic in our society.
Disclosure can be a quick answer to “How was your day?” or it can be a heart to heart talk.
So why do people block? Often the wall is set up to protect a secret rather than to protect the couple.
The wall should be around the partners. Let’s keep the outside world outside. Let’s protect one another.
The wall creates emotional distance which does not make the secret keeper feel better. The wall or defense is meant to make me feel better and I end up more lonely instead. Blocking connection makes me feel worse.
Your challenge this week is, to quote AT&T, "reach out and touch someone." Pay attention to how people respond to you when you attempt to connect.
Have a wonderful week!