“Character is an important concept in the sports world, and it comes out of a growth mindset. Think about times you've needed to reach deep down inside in difficult sports matches. Think about the growth mindset of champions and how they do it.
What could you do next time to make sure you're in a growth mindset in the pinch?
Athletes with the growth mindset find success in learning and improving, not just winning. The more you can do this, the more rewarding sports will be for you and for those who play them with you.”
Those with a growth mindset keep on learning, they alter their strategy based on the feedback and throughout this grueling task they maintain a healthy sense of confidence, they don't need to affirm they're superior and they do not need to set up the company to fail when they leave. What better testament to your own personal greatness than if the place falls apart after you leave?
The great leaders said they did not set out to be leaders. They were interested in improving themselves. They just did what they loved with tremendous drive and enthusiasm and it led to it. They didn't need to prove that they were somebody; they did not need to display superiority, they did not need to use their subordinates to feed this, they knew that they need to develop their workers and they did not sacrifice their companies to this ego, they did not cling to the idea that they were different.