As I confronted myself, I looked at what I was avoiding, what scared me and how I might be making myself small. I don’t like doing that because on a deeper level, I believe we do no one any good by being small. Be myself and feel into what I may be capable of (not just work related).
I started putting myself out there just a little bit more, flying above the radar. While it is scary, it is also exhilarating. Those of you who know me personally, know I can work a bit too much and be overly serious. You also know my playful, silly, obnoxious, dry humor side.
So here is my answer to the question: I would play more and let joy be my guide. I would look at my world differently, paying more attention to what is natural and delight in the ordinary. I would pull weeds less often and do less laundry and fewer dishes. I would enjoy life more fully, drinking it in.
What would you do differently?