Obviously, consult with your doctor. If these ideas do not resonate, do not use them. Here are what two accomplished healers have to say about their experience with cancer.
Your experience might be different.
Jack Schwarz, “Please stop avoiding pain, stop avoiding consciousness -the most specific direct and unavoidable consequence of the lack of consciousness is cancer.” He talks about what happens when we just wing it in life instead of go into deeper awareness.
“All the growth that is possible for you to achieve already exists latent or hidden. It may be hidden in your conscious mind, but alive and active in the paraconscious.
Stay in conscious contact with your paraconscious. That way, you always know the direction in which you are growing.” Your unconscious is a great ally for you when you ask it to help. It can be as simple as asking, “Hey, unconscious, is there something that would help me right now?” Then be open to hearing an answer, which may or may not make sense to you. More often than not, it reminds you of something you already know.
“Stagnant energy becomes an obstruction that inhibits the flow of many of the other forms of energy in your body and then condenses the energy.” You want to consistently check in with your energy and see what is blocked, stuck, stagnant instead of freely flowing. Freely flowing energy is your ally.
“The body chemistry begins to produce mutant cells instead of normal cells when your energy stagnates. Every moment of our lives demands that we change- because the world constantly changes. Only when we freeze -when we try to stop the flow, does this change result in dysfunction.
Any energy, faculty, capability, or physical aspect of the body that is restrained and not used, causes the body’s chemistry to produce substances that are denser than normal.” Cancer tends to be dense and looks black to someone doing energy healing. They send the color red to the cancer to make it less dense. When it is dense, it does not heal easily. Sending red and then white light to it makes it easier to heal and move on.
“You are getting feedback (about your energy flow) all the time, but you were simply not paying attention to it.” In our society, we are not always in touch with the energy. There is no blame attached to this, just saying that when we are aware of a continuous feedback loop, we have more options for early intervention. How do you know when you are getting feedback?
“When you feel annoyed, pay attention to it, if you ignore this feedback, you’ve denied your own insight. When you deny your insight, you lose direction of who you are, and your will, they become neglected, and start to stagnate.” (Page 138) Think of how you recreate yourself and your cells. If you remember who you are (figuratively) you recreate yourself. If you don’t honor your insight, your feedback, the cells you create will not reflect who you are. These mutant cells are thought to be what is the catalyst for cancer.
“Another critical conscious moment of choices is when you suddenly doubt yourself, you suddenly follow someone else’s ideas by comparing yourself with someone else.
This is the first step toward alienating an aspect of yourself. Once communication breaks down, the internal war begins. Early warning signals are ignored, repressive reactions, and then the cancer moves into the third stage, malignant tumors. The body has now developed a plant for the reproduction of mutant cells, and other bodily functions begin to suffer a loss of nutrition and energy.” Again, the idea is not to blame, but to inform. When we are at war within, this is thought to contribute to cancer. When we are at peace within, we are less likely to fall prey to cancer. What do you need to do to reconcile with yourself? Where is there inner conflict and how can you address that now? Never a bad idea to reduce inner conflict…
“You do not have to look outside yourself for the approach to cancer in the first stages -the cure is consciousness.” Healing does not always mean a physical cure. It might be what you need in order to heal the inner conflict.
“Discover the part of mind, body, or spirit that is falling asleep, and needs to be aroused. Reconnect that part of yourself to the rest of your being. Take advantage of the feedback your organism already gives you. At the very least, concentrate on your cerebral feedback.” Again, any distress or disease can be linked to forgetting who we are at our core. Remember who you are and act from this core, fulling aligned with the heavens and the earth, for the highest good of all. An aspirational goal, to be sure.
“Full consciousness is total immunity from disease. At this point, creative meditation and the chakra check can provide the essential information you need.” You are vibing at a much higher rate and have addressed the serenity challenges. As you are more calm internally, you are less likely to have inflammation or pain as a causal factor for disease. You are more likely to intervene early on, when you are experiencing inner peace.
“Once the cancer has reached the fourth stage, and an elevated level of malignancy has developed, the system is often severely depleted. The body is so exhausted that it has difficulty in putting strength to the growth and health of new cells. Massive outside assistance is usually required at this point. That is why we should try to prevent this disease in the first place if we can.” Get help for every system and get people in your corner to help you restore your equilibrium and optimal health. At this stage, reaching out is your best strategy, until you can return to healing yourself. Even then, still getting help from others is advised, if not necessary.
“All of us are related. All parts of us are related.” When a part of you feels like it is at war with another part, that is dis ease.
“Imagine what would happen if our energy centers, or chakras were ever to operate at their full capacity, we would start to evolve into more advanced organisms.” They talk about healthy being a goal, but we tend to forget that we can have optimal health and beyond when we attend to our energy centers. Again, this does not just affect the body, but consciousness. Some people heal their consciousness and the body does not regain full health. This is not a common concept for Westerners.
How can we help now? What can we do when we notice that energy is blocked or stagnant?
“Surround any blockage with white light. Imagine your breath is being inhaled and exhaled through this place in your body.”
Barbara Brennan also contributes to a different understanding of cancer and how to help heal the body/mind/spirit