Deida challenges both men and women in relationship. Sometimes it is hard to read or understand and other times it hurts because he is so accurate.
“To women:
When your man hurt you because he lacks direction, integrity, or charity, you can love him without supporting his weakness. Loving your partner when he hurts you includes not tolerating his bull.
“Women are exquisitely sensitive to their man’s alignment with his own truth. You know when he’s betraying himself before he knows sometimes-you feel it in his posture -you hear the ambiguity in his voice. You may know that he is deceiving himself before he is aware of anything.
“Your feedback can be a great gift to him -he will only trust your feedback if he feels your openness as love.
“You cannot disconnect from the love deep in your heart, tense your body in fear and anger, and then expect that he will believe you. He will think that you have a problem. He will criticize you or try to fix you instead of focusing on himself. Your unlove will hurt him and he will close off even more.
“Tell him about this place in him that you trust. Show him love through your body and your breath -tell him how you lose some of your trust when he acts a certain way. Remember that he probably does not know what you were talking about.” David Deida
Please go back and re-read this. There is quite a bit there. Put a note in your phone calendar to prompt yourself with this. Keep taking your inventory so that you keep growing. Women find that super attractive!
Have you tried doing the exercises on a regular basis (The Art of Sexual Ecstasy by Margo Anand) yet? Are you practicing this particular one 10-20 times before it becomes comfortable during sex? It is time to get the book, and read it, if you have not already done so. Here is an exercise to practice: The Pelvic Curl and Dual Pelvic Rocking