Page 195 when abnormal becomes the norm: an attachment guide to breaking up
There seems to be a gravitational pull between anxious and avoidant individuals, and once they become attached, it is very hard for them to let go.
Side note: How people look at sex is different too.
Being avoidant does not mean that they will cheat on their partner although studies have shown that they are more likely to do so than other attachment types.
They might put rules into place like no kissing in order to make sex feel less intimate.
Often avoidant men and women had sex less with their partners than people with other attachment styles. They were more likely to engage in less sex if their partner had an anxious attachment style.
The anxious partner seems to want a great deal of physical closeness -which causes the avoidant partner to withdraw further. The anxious partner uses sex which has a sense of affirmation as a barometer of attractiveness in the eyes of their mate.
The avoidant person is avoiding intimacy -by reducing sex to a bare minimum.
She was in the inner circle and got too close for his comfort. The closer she tried to get, the more he tried to push her away.