Flow- My son plays sports and before one game, the teammates were messing around, not taking warmups seriously. Down by two goals very early on, we knew they were not in the zone. They had no flow. They were too relaxed. Normally, I prefer them to be relaxed, but this was below the optimal window. Too stressed and too relaxed are not good for peak performance. After the second goal, they got really angry and nervous and scored 6 straight goals- they entered flow.
What helps get you psyched up for a sport or a performance? These are intended to energize, not relax, you.
Play list of music- for a specific feeling state
Listening to slam poetry
Gary Raser- I am LIMU speech on YouTube
Exercise- until I break a sweat
Good food
Being in the moment
Picturing myself performing really well or winning or both
Self hypnosis
Beating my chest
Dancing energetically with no one watching
Kicking the soccer ball as hard as I can
Punching bag workout
Drinking a little caffeine
Three fast breaths and a quick exhalation- then return to normal breathing
Telling myself a story about the situation that pumps me up
Repeating a phrase over and over to myself
Now think about the above and being on a date.
How do you get yourself energized? No one wants to be intimate with Eeyore!