Sex and pornography, flirting, gambling, food, social networking, shopping and spending, cleaning or hoarding, compulsive need for a alone time, compulsive need to socialize, and many more.
Always make your partner number one. See and do things to remind your partner that they are number one. **
If your partner feels confident that he or she is number one in your eyes, it is much harder for thirds to pose a threat.**
We assume the partner knows they are number one and doesn’t need reminders.
Do not shy away from thirds. Our friends and other activities enrich our lives. Don’t avoid or minimize contact, find healthy ways to bring them into your twosome.
If you and your partner are unified and secure with one another, your children, extended family, guests, and even pets will naturally attune to you. How you are with each other will rub off on them.
it is the two of you who set the tone when you’re all together.
Everyone benefits from a couple who are secure in their bubble.