Think about your motivation deeply.
At some level, a relationship gives to you and requires you to give.
Many people are looking to see what they can get from the relationship and on some level they realize they also have to give.
Whether it’s equal, fair, equitable, reciprocal is often unconscious. They are not fully aware, they have not fully thought it through.
Imagine the person needs nurturing from you.
Imagine that it’s one-sided for that particular event.
Are you able to unselfishly nurture your partner?
Do you demand that they give something back right then and there, and make it tit-for- tat or transactional?
Each person, at some point, is going to need healing and nurturing from the other person.
You will both receive and give nurturing in a healthy adult relationship.
There are times where that person will be able to give back immediately and sometimes where they just need something.
Are you able to provide nurturing for your partner if they cannot immediately give something back?