We tend to overthink this stuff and make it more difficult than we have to.
Please keep it simple and just do a couple questions a day with your partner. You may think you know the answer and you might be a successful mind reader, and it is possible that you are wrong and therefore acting on incorrect information.
Ask your partner these questions and listen, fully listen and grow closer to one another. I remember one person telling me that she appreciated me actually listening to her and then following through. It was one level to feel listened to and another level to use the information in real life and she was not used to that.
Ask your partner
More of an am or pm sex person?
Like to shower first?
Do you prefer lots of caressing and sensory play?
What is the role of candles, romantic, exciting and adventurous (define)?
And, yes, these things change week to week, seasonally, years later etc- keep updating your knowledge of your partner and go with the flow.