You have a phone, right? Have you ever used it to call her?
When you are on the phone, they are talking so they are breathing out (breathe out when they breathe out).- ask the person on the phone follow up questions, get them to talk about themselves. Match the things you can over the phone and see how quickly you can build rapport.
Just a reminder that if you want to get a better connection- these past few weeks, the blogs are all about quick exercises to build rapport and connection.
Which of the 5 senses do they talk about most? Use that knowledge.
Their tone of voice is 38% of the total communication- pay close attention and clarify, reflect back, actively listen and words are only 7% but combined that is 45% of the total communication. Again, if you speak their language, you will feel more bonded and they are more likely to hear what you are saying. Imagine how good it will feel when they seriously consider what you are saying.
Get to know your partner and how to listen and how to speak to them differently. Imagine speaking to the deepest part of them, their unconscious.
When you establish rapport with communication, you feel connected. When you deepen rapport you feel a strong union, you click and it feels wonderful.
What might that contribute with enlightenment through ecstasy?
If you can get each other to communicate with words and body language, how might that translate into your sex life?
This could be really promising, just saying…