I had been preparing since December for my new business venture. Those of you who know me well, know how thorough I am. Marketing plan, business plan, getting websites to share, updating blogs, reading a bunch of books, going to another conference, spending weekends working on all this, researching how to establish a mini legal library, social media strategy, new paperwork, website updated, week by week schedule for tasks, work schedule adjusted accordingly, financial strategy for no income for a week and then the training organization cancelled the Divorce Mediation training.
...which means that I have to delay starting that part of my business. Oh, and I contacted them before they contacted me, which irritates me even more. Not even a week before the training.
Now, I have to get a new training, travel to NYC (should be fun!) and stay in a hotel, not quite doubling the cost of the training. So, December 1, 2017 is when I should be able to start offering it, most likely my first clients will be in January 2018. Part of me feels guilty for complaining about a first world problem. "There is no "I" in mediation," but there are two... and "me" starts the darn word.
When you need to cancel a training, please consider the audience and their needs and the impact of this on them. I was livid and tactfully confronted them before asking for my money back. That was simply too big a series of business decisions on their part and too big an impact on my business to trust them ever again.
When it opens in December, I hope to be more polished and primed. Please consider me when you hear that someone is looking for a divorce mediator. I cannot mediate for a couple that I previously counseled because it is considered a conflict of interest.
Thank you in advance for your referrals.