Are you someone who thinks for themselves and asks questions?
Are you someone who just believes, without independently verifying what people say?
EX: Consider a different view of sexuality and include complementarity within and between people. Each atom is asexual. Think about the implications of that. In tantra, we use everything to transcend and go beyond our limited understanding…
“Please understand the oneness of all- it is this understanding of the oneness of the androgynous nature which underlies male and female human bodies which is at the heart of Tantric philosophy. When this understanding is reached, and integrated in the human heart, it constitutes an expansion from limited consciousness based on a sexual understanding to an awareness of the non-duality, which is the ultimate reality. Sexuality exists as a practical reality of life.” Ashby
Go ahead and re read that. Seriously, that was profound.
“The practitioner of tantra discovers the asexuality of existence as well, thereby expanding in consciousness to encompass all sexuality and androgyny, duality and non-duality. The true identity of the human being is not sexual, not the body, mind, senses or anything which is in the realm of time and space because the realm of time and space is the realm of duality and illusion.” Ashby
Consider re-reading that, please. It was dense as fudge. I re read it line by line and took a few minutes between sentences so that my head would not explode.
If you would like your life to change, to be different, consider what you read and contemplate as a way to help you change.