Everyone says they want to be happy and most of us do nothing about it or we try for a few days and realize it takes a little bit of work to be happy and we give up.
There are some shortcuts and some ways to think about happiness that you are going to love. Let me share them with you, but you have to agree to try them for a full week. That is this blog’ s challenge.
Check out the laugh chain on YouTube. Watch it for at least five minutes. Check out Anthony Robbins on YouTube- The Swish Pattern. Try that several days in a row.
Smile. Yep, that simple. You can do it. No, you do not have to be happy in order to smile. As a matter of fact, that is considered following your feelings instead of leading your feelings. You are in charge of your feelings. Want to feel differently? You can change how you feel. Don’t like how you feel? Do something different. When you smile for at least 20 minutes a day, watch how long the feeling of happiness lasts. Try an experiment and see how many people you can influence to smile throughout your day. When you smile at someone, most humans smile back.
Plant seeds of joy in your mind and watch what grows. Plant seeds of guilt, anger, victimhood and watch what grows. What does that mean? Think about things in your life, your past that bring up feelings of joy. Think of something else joyful and happy. When you think about things that are joyful, you feel joy. When you think of how horrible the weather is and how dark and gray it is etc, how do you feel? So stop thinking of that. How much joy do you think you could handle today?