Channel your energy. When you wake up and you have too much energy, how do you manage or channel the extra? Have you ever felt anxious or even hyper? How did you channel that energy? That channeling really helps when it comes to tantra.
EX: Ask yourself the following, and answer honestly: Are you in control or are your desires? (When you find a higher good, you keep that.) That sounds like answering no is addiction, doesn’t it?
“One who is dominated by passion and sexual desire cannot aspire to great accomplishments in the relative world and is caught in the mire of nature’s Temptations and the pursuit of worldly pleasures -channel your sexual energy. The above leads to immaturity and weakness. We tenaciously and actively go after and hold onto whatever we perceive will bring the most pleasure and satisfaction -that’s why people don’t give up their vices. …it’s a very important secret-when the human mind discovers a higher form of satisfaction or happiness- it begins to leave the lower one behind, in favor of the higher one. ” Ashby
Tantra offers you a higher form of satisfaction with life and with sex. If you want to have a more satisfying experience, you will learn how to channel energy and make sure you are capable of generating sexual energy and excitement safely.