How do make it happen? If it is a dream, not just a p
5 Things You Need to Do
1. FOCUS- Ask the question you need to ask, listen to the answers, align with the flow. Then ask yourself, "Will it be good for me and for others?"
2. ALLOW-It is Spring so think about the garden- let it develop and blossom. Don’t forget to be good to yourself while waiting for it to develop and blossom-in the meantime get yourself strong enough to do the next stages. Make sure that you get out of your own way by facing your fears directly. When the times comes, you will be ready.
3. PLAN- Set specific SMART goals Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Timely Do this for each goal you have and they are simply easier to meet.
4. EXECUTE the plan. You have listened to the answer, made sure it fits. You have spent some time with it allowing it to become what it is and you have engineered a plan. You are ready. Now, with laser-like precision, no excuses, no blaming -go out and do it and take responsibility for it.
5. MONITOR Celebrate and appreciate what you have done, grow stronger for the next round and learn from your mistakes with a solid feedback loop