Think for a moment what you believe you are doing right in attraction and romance and passion. Write it down.
Many of the exercises are directly from the writings of Tantra: Ashby, Deida, Anand, Odier, me and the world of pick up artists (for example, Neil Strauss).
My hope is that by following them you will become better at picking up your partner, courting her, if you follow these exercises and expand your comfort zone. I’ve included courting tips, sexual tips, ideas to consider, inspirational quotes and motivational quotes. Take what you need…
Are you signaling that you have no value, no life, nothing to offer and are just glad to be along for the ride?
Take stock of how you come off to other people. Do you have friends and family who want to be with you? Why do they like you and want to spend time with you? If you are unsure, please ask them.
If people do not recognize your worth, it is possible that you are not properly communicating your worth/value to them. Rather than blame them and withdraw, which is what many of us do, consider looking at your worth to them and attempting to demonstrate it in a way that is clear and compels them to want to spend time with you. How would you do that?