Please consider these questions and be rigorously honest with yourself.
How quickly can I let go of my preconceptions and how life “should” be?
Am I open to the new and different adventures life presents me or do I insist on it happening the way I want it to be?
Do I allow myself to be surprised by my experiences?
Can I be okay taking the adventure in front of me even if I do not know how it is going to end up?
Do I allow it to happen?
Spontaneity means going with the flow, understanding that I am safe and secure, I am not the one in charge and that things are going to be okay. I am in harmony with my surroundings and my actions are effortless. Change is happening around me through natural processes. They are simply unfolding and I do not direct that process.
Do I judge it after it happens or do I simply experience the truth of the situation?
When I simply experience it, I better understand it. To understand the situation means to be completely open right now to the truth of the situation. Understanding is radical and transformative, quite different than just having an intellectual grasp of an idea. When I understand something, I feel it in every inch of my body.