General Process
· Initial intake – Lasts about an hour. Informational, no commitment. All the information is already on my website about the process, how it works and what to expect. (There is no need to do this step if you already know you want mediation and want it with me.)
· Divorce/Separation Mediation is generally, 3-4 sessions, 1 ½ - 2 hours each (can be more or less depending on individual circumstances)
Three main areas to resolve for Divorce and Separation Mediation:
- Parenting: (if you have Children) Legal custody, physical residency, weekly schedule, holidays, vacations
- Division of property: Assets and liabilities NYS requires you disclose all facts (income from all sources, assets including; real estate, businesses, retirement, etc. and all debt; mortgages, student loans, co-signed loans, personal loans, credit cards, etc.) NYS standard is Equitable (many couples trade off assets/liabilities) Tax implications
- Support: Child (NYS Child Support Standards) Spousal (Temporary and Post-Divorce)
· Review of MoU or other agreement- approximately 1 hour
· MoU is given to each party and you take it to your attorney.
Note: The attorneys then work together to complete the filings with the court and the judge will ensure it meets the legal requirements to grant a divorce.
Payment requirements
· Payment is per session. Payment is due at each session.
Communication/ Neutrality
· Communication must be known to all parties to avoid implication of non-impartiality. Emails must be copied to all parties involved.
· Substantially fair agreements
· Confidentiality
· Informed choices and decision making