You always have a choice. Please take responsibility and avoid the victim role. It is not becoming. There is nature and nurture. You are not a slave to your impulses, you have choice. Tame your mind or it will be overpowered at times. Resist urges that you do not really want to follow. Otherwise you are giving in to your lower self.
When you have challenges in your life, are you able to stand up to the challenges and even if you get knocked down, can you get back up?
“A weak willed person is controlled by their ego, their desires, feelings and emotions rather than being in control of them and managing them …Nature has implanted an innate need to unite, to procreate. All things seek their mates in nature -it is in the polarity of males and females that the attractive force can be seen most prominently. For the person who has not understood this teaching, there’s no escaping the force of nature. Transcend your Impulses, expand your consciousness- that is the source of rich human spirituality, arts and social advancement of humanity. You must understand that sexual attraction is based on mental delusion due to the mind’s being overpowered by the desires of the body and ignorance of the greater truth…the force of passion compels us to want to search for ways to fulfill desires and the weakened mind which arises from living a life of distractions, due to giving way to emotions and feelings…human being incapable of resisting the urge is of the lower nature, the lower self and controls a human being.” Ashby
EX: Do you want to be at peace and stop searching and grasping so much?
Are you looking for your own satisfaction and instant gratification?
Do you want more than that?