Have you developed yourself to the point that you realize you are not your body, that you have a body? Or are you over identifying with your physical body?
It is similar to saying, “I am angry,” instead of “I am experiencing anger.”
Who is this “I” ?
Relationships are there to help us grow, to move beyond the selfish or self absorbed existence. To transcend our body and to see ourselves more fully, with raw vulnerability.
“If you remember that, in reality, you are not a body, you’ll be able to rise above the pettiness of your own ego -you can rise above the pettiness of the mistakes of your partner -you’ll be able to forgive all… Learn from your mistake and discover that you were seeking something which you cannot find in an ordinary relationship…if you do not expand your horizons and let go of your ego desires, you will suffer the endless miseries of human existence.” Ashby
Our ego confuses us and tricks us into thinking we will be happy if (fill in the blank) as if it is some external development or circumstance. We create happiness or misery with our thinking, with our behavior. Imagine not having the limitations you think you have. Imagine a world in which your happiness was dependent on your thoughts. This is yours for the asking.
“At a deeper level there’s no need to forgive because you’ll see everything as yourself -as connected -you will grow beyond the relationship itself and live on a higher plane” Ashby