Imagine Saying This
“Dear one, I suffer, and I want you to know it. (We write this ahead of time so we can just pull it out and hand it to our beloved) (we acknowledge that we are suffering- we open the door for communication peace and reconciliation)
“Dear one, I’m doing my best. Please help. I am aware of my anger. I’m doing my best to practice calming myself. I want to embrace my anger and to look deeply into the root of my anger. I don’t want to speak or act out of my anger and irritation, and I need your support. I need your help.” These are words of love, words of peace… we still might not remember to do them.
“My dear one, I don’t want you to suffer. There are moments when I am less than myself and irritated and difficult to deal with. Please be compassionate and patient. Help me instead of hating me.”
Every one of us is capable of writing sentences appropriate to our situation when we’re in a good state of mind, lucid, free from anger.