This is really powerful. Allow, go with the flow, let it happen, let it be…
“It is entirely natural for you to feel like your body is betraying you. It is now time for you to continue growing deep in your feminine art of love light.
“Locate the love in your heart and practice shining it through your body.
“Allow the full spectrum, the entire rainbow, of love energy to flow through your body.
If your body is resistant to flowing with some aspect of feminine energy, then you will limit the force of love that is allowed to shine from your heart you will weaken yourself.”
“Whatever energy you are unwilling to incarnate in your own body, you would resist in others. Your very resistance will attract these energies into your life so that you can learn to love in their midst!
“If you deny your own power to influence others through your energy, then you will disdain women who seem manipulative, attracting them into your life.
“Developing your capacity to shine love through different shades of energy takes time, as does learning how to put on make up.” Deida