To increase the success of exposure and ritual prevention, you must do well-designed exercises, and do them correctly.
Your therapist will coach you.
What you get out of exposure and ritual prevention depends heavily on what you put into it. It also depends on you and your therapist collaboratively coming up with an exposure plan that fits your particular OCD symptoms.”
There is good pain and bad pain in the “No pain, no gain” world. We are walking you through legitimate, necessary pain. In life, there is pain that is unavoidable. If you try to avoid legit pain, that is considered “neurotic” and will warp your experiences here. Go through necessary pain and you will learn that you have more strength and bravery than you realized. You got this. You can do this. It is hard, but you are stronger than it.
“Sometimes exposure exercises may seem counterintuitive or extreme, it will be important for you to practice them anyway.” Edna Foa PhD