“From the Tantric perspective this “orgasm of the brain” greatly stimulates the brain cells and creates a bridge between the right and left hemispheres, fusing the intellect of the left hemisphere with the intuitive faculties of the right.”
“You explore ways of escaping the gender trap that identifies you exclusively as either masculine or feminine…to establish a balanced partnership….develop a spirit of adventure, spontaneity, and erotic creativity in your love life.”
Exercise: Challenge your ideas, your thoughts about what it means to be a man or a woman and whether or not it is a false dichotomy. Are they complementary? Are they yin and yang?
EXERCISE Any hip openers that you can do… Especially as people get older, the hips are not as flexible as they used to be. Stretch those hips, loosen them up. Do this daily for at least a few weeks and you’ll thank me. Keep them limber.