Warning: This is a long one and contains some tongue in cheek humor. I collaborated with a few former clients to put this together. The formatting was a little wonky from Microsoft word to this site. I apologize and am looking at how to fix the formatting for the future.
Rationale: You went on a date or several. You got a good vibe. You thought it went well and the other person ended it. Or maybe you ended it, surprising them. You ever wish you could give them feedback that might really be helpful to them? Like, you think they are great, but because they are missing so many teeth, they are not your type. Here is a chance to help that person. Written by a man seeking a woman…
Consider the format for your feedback:
Mutliple choice
Grading- Pass/Fail with option for an A
Exceeds Expectations
Meets Realistic Expectations
Does not meet expectations- area of concern
Scared me a little bit
Rank how important these are on a scale of 1-10
1 being the most important and likely a deal breaker
- Romantic Compatibility
- Has an exciting life/adventurous ___True ___False
- Has a strong social network and emotional connection ___True ___False
- Ambitious ___True ___False Will he be enthusiastic, energize me and have a positive outlook? Is he successful?
- Protector ___True ___False Does he take care of his loved ones? Is he smart/strong enough to protect me? Do people follow him?
- Attraction ___True ___False Does he turn me on? Is there emotional and rational chemistry? Do I trust him? Does he sacrifice for me? Am I comfortable enough? Is there a connection? Too old/young? Tall/short? Muscular/overweight? Other mismatch
- Friendship Compatibility
- Proximity
- Availability
- Personality
- Intelligence
- Socioeconomic
- Shared Sacrifice-
step families,
no kids,
open marriages,
marriage equality,
why get married
- Emotional Match –
- Spiritual/values
You are expected to grow and develop and mature
How are you living, compared to how your values line up?
- Financial
Longer Answers
What do you really want to know after the date?
What would make you stay or leave?
The whole goal of the first date is to get a second date and see if there is chemistry or a connection.
A dealbreaker on date one is not the same thing as a dealbreaker on date two or beyond.
Just not my type- chemistry was not there (easy out?) ___True ___False
Photo matched the person (as opposed to the bait and switch photo- hey that’s you ten years ago) ___True ___False
Don’t like age of kids ___ True ___False
Too pushy ___True ___False
Communication issues ie Indirect communication/Direct communication
(be specific)
Gender differences got in the way ___True ___False
Too compliant ___True ___False He always did what I wanted to do.
Too messy or too clean ___True ___False
Too friendly ___True ___False
Too forward, moved too fast (for example) ___True ___False
Too passive, didn’t make the first move ___True ___False (please explain)
Easy going
My friends would not approve or like my date
My parents would not approve
Too formal
Waited too long to kiss me
Did not contact early enough in the week for me to have the day free ___True ___False
Too spontaneous ___True ___False
I assumed too much and did not clarify with him ___True ___False
I expect way too much from a date (it is unrealistic that I will ever get all those qualities in one human being, but I would keep trying) ___True ___False
I felt rejected by certain behavior (be specific) ___True ___False
Didn’t pay enough attention to me ___True ___False
Wanted too much attention from me (for example, men only want sex) ___True ___False
Mixed messages ___True ___False
An event happened that triggered me- nothing to do with person ___True ___False
Sense of humor did not line up ___True ___False
Creative dates were offered ___True ___False
Appropriate level of affection for how well we know each other ___True ___False
Flexibility with talking on phone vs text vs in person ___True ___False
Not enough time to date each week ___True ___False
Just stopped communication (ghosting) ___True ___False
Too focused on sex ___True ___False
Not enough flirting ___True ___False
It would not work until we really knew each other well and were able to hang out more, including kids ___True ___False
Too “out there” with belief system ___True ___False
Too stingy ___True ___False
Attended to me ___True ___False
Not enough teasing or banter ___True ___False
Trying too hard to impress ___True ___False
Not trying hard enough (be specific) ___True ___False
Bragging ___True ___False
Able to Emotionally connect ___True ___False
Bad job and potential for future ___True ___False
Talked about ex too much ___True ___False
Family is too messed up ___True ___False
Intimacy issues ___True ___False (Be specific)
Good listener ___True ___False
Responsive texter ___True ___False
Would be a good friend (consider listing the qualities of a friend that jumped out at you) ___True ___False
On line dating just isn’t the right thing because we couldn’t get to know one another well enough ___True ___False
I don’t like having to pursue him, I want him to do the work of pursuing ___True ___False
This did not work for me because (the deal breaker was )
This area is a dealbreaker for me with anyone I have dated
Questions not asked on this survey that should be asked:
What I really liked about this situation and person:
What I thought were the top 3 areas of improvement (what I would change about you if I could):
Lessons about myself from this dating process:
Deal breakers:
Mental illness
Not a cuddler
Rude behavior
Male bashing
Assuming my motivation without asking
Able and willing to do my love language
Not available for getting together at the time I can
Not able /willing to look inside self
Not able to take responsibility for own issues
Not having my back
Different vision/goals
Political party differences
Inability to listen
Stop talking without processing
Want to change me
Emotionally reactive
Overly critical
Bad kisser
No sex drive
Reluctantly sexual
"I hate sex"
"I hate men"
Inability to learn how to clarify and validate
If deal breakers then break the deal otherwise say it once and only once