Obviously, it applies to music and academics, not just sports. Great DVD by GreatCourses.com called “The Superstar Student” gets into the specifics. We watched in for the beginning of 7th grade.
Your pre-season thinking determines your success before the season begins. Your commitment to practice, mental, nutrition, emotional and the physical…
Many “work hard” and don’t see great results. “Working hard” is necessary and not sufficient for the type of results you want. How you practice makes a major difference. Your mindset makes a difference.
Here are a few hacks from sports psychology and the ultra marathon world Addie Bracy is a great author- Mental Training for Ultra Running-for you to experience and experiment with-to make into mental habits:
Noakes talked about “accepting finishing second” and what happens when your brain chooses to challenge for a higher finish. Your brain pushes your body, physiology does not determine the winner. Your brain does.
Fatigue symptoms are generated by your brain to convince you to slow down, when you don’t really need to slow down. Your brain is suggesting it, not mandating it, but you might interpret those signals as a “Stop!” If you do, you sacrifice some performance that you did not have to sacrifice.
**This is perhaps the most important thing you can practice.
Reassess your strategy and make a new one that works for you.
Again, if your body is going to get harmed or injured, the smart athlete stops.