It entails a discussion of your experience during or after an exercise using exposure and ritual prevention, and what you have learned from that experience. You will realize several facts:
Rather than mounting uncontrollably, your anxiety or distress may rise at first and eventually begin to fall, even though you were not engaging in avoidance or a ritual.
Doing exposures repeatedly results in continued reduction in your distress and helps keep those lower levels of anxiety over time.
You can indeed manage your distress without having to resort to avoidance or rituals that cost you precious time, a lot of energy, and often money too.
You realize that your fears about bad consequences happening , if you do not avoid or visualize, are either proven false , or shown to have a low probability of actually materializing.
Even if your fears of bad consequences cannot be proven wrong, you will learn that you can live with the doubt, the uncertainty, in the feeling that you do not have control over events in the future.”
What have you learned so far, when using exposure and ritual prevention?