Imagine how many times in a day we talk to ourselves. Yes, we all do it.
Are you saying things to yourself that are respectful? Are you honoring and loving yourself as someone worthy of respect?
Keep your self talk positive because there is a correlation between that and high performance in sports, school and in relationships.
“I am pushing myself to tolerate distress during practice because it makes me a better athlete.”
“I can do more than I realize. I am convincing my brain.”
“I improve my performance with hard work, positive self-talk and healthy nutrition.”
“I am someone who wants results and knows how to get results and am doing what is necessary to get the results I want.”
“I am not defined by the outcome of this, or any, performance.”
“I am practicing so that I am getting better and stronger and faster and I like how that feels.” Remember that practice entails the emotions, not just the body and the mind.
“When something unexpected happens, I keep my composure and find a solution.”
“I listen to my body when it tells me that something is harmful or could injure me. I listen and evaluate and act accordingly.”
“I know when to push through minor inconveniencing pain.”
“I get back on track quickly, it is not a big deal.”
“This is nothing, I am used to doing hard things.”
“This is only one race, one event, one game- it does not define me.”
During the race, event, performance, game, you might start to question yourself. Make sure you have ingrained your motivation, your inspiration.