If you experience low desire sometimes, unless there’s a medical issue interfering, chances are you’re not broken -you don’t have to fix you. You only have to change the context.
For centuries, scientists thought sex was a sex drive.
Turns out no.
No one has ever suffered tissue damage for lack of sex.
Nobody ever died because they couldn’t get laid. Maybe maybe they wanted to, but that’s frustration and we don’t die of frustration. It’s not a drive- it’s an incentive motivation system.
When you hear the word “drive,” it relates to surviving.
Drives are about being pushed by an uncomfortable internal sensation, incentive motivation systems are all about being pulled by an attractive external stimulus.
When you hear “incentive motivation,” think “thriving.”
If someone steals a loaf of bread because they’re starving, we have sympathy and mercy.
Even when stealing is wrong, we acknowledge people do what they have to do to survive.
If someone steals a loaf of bread simply cause they’re curious what bread taste like, we don’t have the same sympathy or mercy.
It’s not a biological need.
No one is entitled to sex.
No one has permission to steal it under any circumstances.