That feeling when a stranger lies to you. It doesn’t feel good. They used you and didn’t care. You might even blame yourself for trusting them, not holding them accountable for the lie. They knew it was a lie and they did it anyway. What is wrong with people? That is not the right way to live.
It is different when a friend or family member lies or spreads information they know to be false. They spread inaccurate information when they had the internet available to them- literally more information than we’ve ever had before and they were too lazy to look it up? Or worse, they deliberately ignored it or just plain lied.
You expect better of your friends and family and it hurts more when you trusted them. They knew the truth and did not tell you the truth. Hard to trust them after that.It was not a mistake, they did it on purpose. Why?
Because it was good for them personally, or their organization, to lie to you. They abused your trust, yet again, by lying. That is why you don’t trust them. They are not looking out for you, or your highest good. They are only looking out for themselves, their selfish agenda. When you find out that you were used by them, your faith in them goes down. If they were dishonest, sneaky or shady in this, about what else are they lying to you?
When the leaders of your religion repeatedly lie to you, when they know the truth, or should know the truth, it is discouraging, disappointing, and dis-illusions you. They have a position of power, a duty to look out after you and they abused that power.
You should be able to trust the leaders of your religion. And you cannot, when you repeatedly catch them being inaccurate, being shady, twisting the truth to fit their narrative, their agenda. Did they use you? Did they take advantage of your lack of knowledge? Should they have known the facts on something of this magnitude? Are they being honest about their agenda or are they lying to achieve a holy goal? You realize that God would be against that approach, right?
There is a crisis of faith, because if they lied about this, to push their own agenda, they have undeniably proven that they cannot be trusted. They did not have to lie, but they were afraid that if they told the truth, you would not have done it their way. Get all the facts and learn what there is to be learned.
Stop trusting authority when authority keeps letting you down. Have your own back. Do your own research. Can you see the connection of this to your relationship?