Every now and then I get nuggets of wisdom from people. Let me share a few:
1. When we say something, we really mean it.
2. Read between the lines (when I asked for clarification, they said that they mean what they say and the stereotypical feminine way is less direct than the masculine way. For example, “Please sweep the floor” is more direct than “The floor needs sweeping” although they both mean the same thing.)
3. Don’t solve, just listen
4. Pay attention and focus when you are listening
Things We Wished We Knew about Men
The same group of women continued with the above title:
What are men really thinking when we are talking to them?
How do you let things go so easily?
How are you not affected by things that we are not even done processing?
How are things not important to you, when they are so important to us? Ie boundaries, clean house
I would love to read your responses!