Go to a doctor to deal with cancer and feel free to add to that with these concepts.
Hands of Light book
On page 238 she describes the color meaning on the soul task level.
On page 239, she talks about color used in healing.
What the color is and what it’s used for.
In the narrative, she describes what different colors mean to her.
Page 240 she talks about the black velvet light and sitting in the void in the oneness of God with patients who have cancer.
All the colors of the rainbow are used in healing, and each color has its own affect in the field.
Red is used to charge the field, to burn out cancer and warm cold areas.
Orange charges the field, increases sexual, potency as well as immunity.
Yellow is used to clear a foggy head and help the linear mind function well.
Green is a general balancer and Healer for all things.
Indigo opens the third eye and enhances visualization and clears the head.
White has used to charge the field bring peace and comfort and take away pain.
Gold is used to restructure the seventh layer, strengthen and charge the field.
Velvet black brings the patient into a State of Grace, silence and peace with God. It is good in restructuring bones crumbled from cancer or other trauma.
Purple-blue takes away pain- when doing deep tissue work and work on bone cells. It helps expand the patient’s field in order to connect to her task.
To sit within the black velvet void means sitting in silence and peace. It means completely being there, in fullness and without judgment. It means going into a state of Grace and bringing your patient to be in that grace with you. It can bring the patient into a state of oneness with the divine -to sit in this place for a whole hour at a time.
Color in the aura is directly related to sound.
Sounding specific pitches into the field not only produces specific colors in the field, it is also a powerful agent of healing.
Every chakra has a different pitch in every person and each particular chakra is slightly different.
To find the pitch for each chakra, I vary the range a bit until I hit a resonance.
It can be heard and felt by the patient. I can also watch the Chakra respond to the sound.
When I hit the right pitch, the chakra tenses up and begins to spin rapidly and evenly and its color brightens up. After holding the sound for some time, the chakra is charged and strengthened enough to hold its new level of energy.
Dolores Krieger, in her book, “Therapeutic Touch” gives very good color modulation exercises.
What does it feel like to be in a certain color?
It’s not visualizing it.
You must be the color.
Whatever that means to you.
Chemotherapy clogs the whole auric field, but especially the liver, with greenish brown mucus like energy.
Radiation therapy frays the structured layers of the auric field like a burned nylon stocking.
Surgery causes scars in the first layer of the field and sometimes all the way to the seventh layer.
If left distorted, the physical body will have a much more difficult time healing itself.
If a chakra is imbalanced, disease will result.
Look at a particular organ -ask to see it.
Allow your third eye to be open and the rest of your mind calm and see what you can see.
In the early stages, cancer looks dark, gray blue.
As it progresses, it turns to black in the aura.
Later, white spots appear in the black. When the white spots sparkle and move out like a volcano, the cancer has metastasized.
Imagine trauma in a chakra or at least a disturbance before surgery.
Imagine a surgery causing more trauma to the chakra. A healer will go in and restore balance to the chakra (this might take several one hour sessions)
Pre-and post surgery-Imagine strengthening the chakra and the auric system.
Now, imagine withdrawing energy (avoiding the feelings and running away from the pain) from an area because you don’t want to endure or feel the emotional pain.
Imagine silver and lavender light filling in an infected area. Those vibrations will knock the microorganisms loose.
Imagine labeling your drinking bottle, even your chemotherapy bottle of fluid that went into you, “pure love.”
Spiritual Guidance
Sit for guidance, sit in a comfortable meditative position, center yourself, and lift your consciousness.
Formulate a question in your mind as clearly as you can.
Focus on wanting to know the truth about that question no matter what the answer is. Focus and silence the mind.
Wait for an answer to come to you.
After sometime in silence, you will begin to receive an answer.
It might be in the form of pictures, feelings, general concepts, words, or even smells. You may think it’s irrelevant, but keep writing.
Practice practice practice
Go back and read what you’ve written four hours later and you’ll find it of interest. Keep a notebook, paper and pencil for this purpose.
Barbara Brennan Light Emerging Book
Chemotherapy pollutes the liver and weakens the body‘s natural immune system. Healing enhances liver function.
Radiation therapy breaks the first layer of the energy field into splinters, like broken glass; healing energy repairs it. Imagine doing healing after every single radiation.
Multiple sclerosis patients need red and orange because the first and second chakras are the most affected.
All cancer patients need gold, since cancer has a torn open aura on the seventh level, which is gold.
Cancer patients also need the color of the chakra in the area that the cancer is located in the body. For example, liver or pancreatic cancer patients need yellow and peach, the colors of the third chakra on the second and fourth levels of the field, respectively.