While I do not agree with David Deida on several topics, I value that he challenges my thinking. He makes me challenge my own ways of looking at things, so that I can make up my own mind. Do not take what he says and swallow it whole- process it and see if it is true for you. Allow it to bug you and bump you out of your comfort zone.
“Most women choose physical comfort and emotional security over true love.
“The only surrender that is truly fulfilling is to the love that is the substance of every single moment, the love that moves as you and the universe. You will serve the world as love. Only that will be fulfilling. Surrender directly as the flow of love.” Deida
EXERCISE: Learn to relax your muscles your heart, your belly, your thighs, so that the energy of love can flow through you without obstruction.
EXERCISE: “Let go of your dreams of comfort, security, and romance. Receive and give the bliss of deep openness with every breath. This love fills your body and heart with a pleasure so deep that even your own thoughts and emotions cannot sway your fundamental happiness. Your loneliness is filled with a bright immensity of joy. This love energy flows from your heart through your body and out your feet, hands, and eyes like beams of beauty.”