Think about how humans are designed and how we have changed over the millennia. As it stands, we can get joy from many sources.
I enjoy a good meal, that is, when I taste my food. When I eat in front of the TV or while doing something else, I don’t enjoy my food. I must be present to win. When I really taste my food, and spend some time with it, chew it and luxuriate with it, well- it can be embarrassing. Someone once told me it felt like I was making love to my food. Oh dear. Well, it is joyful and we are designed to have joy, if we can allow ourselves to accept it. If I factor in snacks and at least three meals a day, that is a lot of joy.
Same thing for looking out my window. The beauty of a winter day, the silhouette of the leafless tree against the steel gray sky- wow. The big fluffy snowflakes wafting down. When I take the time to experience my world- I feel joyful. I feel grateful and even blessed. Other times, I take it for granted or I am in such a rush that I don’t even see, though my eyes appear to be open.
In the springtime, there are some incredible smells. I feel intoxicated by certain flowering trees. Again, we are designed for joy, happiness, pleasure.
Touch can bring pleasure as well. I’ll leave that one to your imagination, if that is okay.
Each of our five senses can bring joy to us, if we are living in the moment, aware and going slow enough to receive.