Sample: How to do feeling vs opinions
"…unfortunately he didn't know how to become aware of his feelings, let alone express them"
"…this difficulty in identifying and expressing feelings is common, and in my experience especially so in lawyers , engineers, police officers, corporate managers, and career military personnel. These are people whose professional codes discourage them from manifesting emotions. For family, the toll is severe when members are unable to communicate emotions."
"I never know what he's feeling and I feel like I'm married to a wall."
He sat mute and immobile.
She turned to me and explained, "see it happens all the time -he sits and says nothing. "
I responded, "It sounds to me like you're feeling lonely and wanting more emotional contact with your husband" Marshall Rosenberg- Nonviolent Communication
In counseling, we look at how feelings can balance an overly logical approach. When out of balance, either toward feelings or away from feelings, we get some weird decisions. When balanced between thoughts and feelings, people tend to stick with their decisions because they work better for them.
Next blog, we'll talk about how to "do" feelings or how to communicate more effectively
Stay tuned for guest bloggers- Isaac Jacobs, Kristin A Rapp and Stacey Snyder Steinmiller