When you reach the items at the top of the hierarchy, you’ll feel less anxious than you feel right now, because you have already tackled the items lower on the hierarchy.
Your anxiety decreases without doing rituals, your feared consequences do not incur in, during, or after exposure to the feared situations.
Please approach the items at the top of the hierarchy because your mistaken beliefs will be weakened by the time that you even get to the top.
Sometimes we use analogies to demonstrate why drawing lines in the sand puts you at risk for relapse.
Would happen if you weeded a garden but some weeds were left behind?
What would happen to your garden?
Leaving bits of OCD behind increases the likelihood of relapse. “
You want to stack the deck in your favor. OCD cannot win, when you do this. You will prove that you can do it and do it well.
“I don’t want you to cheat yourself out of being able to benefit fully from the treatment. You’ve done the hard work you deserve the full benefit.
Please consider all the things that you want to do but aren’t able to do now because of OCD. What is the cost of OCD?
I want to facilitate your ability and willingness to do different exposures and to adhere firmly to ritual prevention.”